El-P was in a giving mood on Wednesday (March 28), sharing an unused beat he created for the Blade Runner 2049 trailer with fans. According to the Run The Jewels MC/producer, he only had a few days to create the track after filmmakers requested his services.
“as i get closer and closer to being able to announce the film score i’m doing this year, i thought it might be nice to finally throw out this little piece,” El-P wrote on SoundCloud. “its what i put together for the blade runner 2 trailer when they called on me. i was honored to even be thought of. almost every sound apart from percussion was created on the same type of synth vangelis used for the original blade runner score. its unmixed as i only had about 2 days to whip it together and send over. enjoy.”
Blade Runner 2049, the sequel to the 1982 cult classic Blade Runner, premiered in theaters last October. El-P previously shared a snippet of his trailer score via Instagram last September.
An enterprising fan has already synced up El-P’s newly unearthed production with the film’s trailer. The Def Jux co-founder has given it his blessing, saying, “This is why i can’t ditch Twitter.”
Watch the fan mashup below.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP7dmJ0yqxY?feature=oembed&w=500&h=281]
Source: Hip Hop DX